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21st of May 2015

REMO developer and user meeting in Hamburg

Last 21st of May 2015, developers and users of the regional climate-model REMO held a meeting at the Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) to present the current modifications in REMO and its further model development plans in the next five years. About 20 participants including international guests came to Hamburg, Germany for this workshop.

In line with the scientific questions of interest to the GERICS, two directions were planned. First, towards very high resolutions of up to 1 km of the regional climate simulations done by REMO. With very high resolutions, precipitation pattern on complex terrain can be better simulated (e.g. Upper Rhine Plain or Alpine Valleys). Improvements can be expected especially in regions where windward and leeward effects dominate. For this reason, a non-hydrostatic version of REMO has been in development. First simulations over Crete and Kiel (in simple-structured terrain) already showed promising results.

Second, REMO development from an atmosphere only model towards a regional earth-system-model. The implementation of other components of the earth system (e.g. an ocean model or an aerosol module) will allow more realistic simulations including the analysis of the impact of these components on the regional climate. With the inclusion of an aerosol module, regional differences of the aerosol concentration were illustrated, which affected the cloud formation. On the long-term, with a tropospheric chemistry module, it will be possible to analyze the air quality under climate change conditions. Additionally, changing land use and management methods could be investigated with the implementation of changing land surface information.

With the development of REMO to a high-resolution earth-system-model in the future, the GERICS will continue to contribute to international projects such as the WCRP Initiative CORDEX, which includes the EURO-CORDEX Initiative.

Past Meetings

An international REMO development meeting took place at the Climate Service Center (GERICS) in Hamburg in January 2012. Coordinated by the GERICS, scientists from several European institutes cooperate in advancing the model.

The further joint development of REMO to a coupled regional climate system model was decided.

This includes the following components:

  • Atmosphere
  • Ocean
  • Land (incl. Vegetation, Soil, terrestrial Hydrology, Permafrost, Cryoshpere, Lakes)
  • Chemistry + Aerosols