Links to current and former projects that use REMO and/or support the REMO development.
Ongoing Projects
- ESM Advanced Earth System Modelling Capacity (ESM): A contribution to solving Grand Challenges by developing and applying innovative Earth System Modelling capacity
- EURO-CORDEX Internationally coordinated framework to produce improved regional climate change projections for all land regions world-wide
- HAPPI-DE Klima- und Klimafolgenprojektionen bei 1.5°C gegenüber 2°C Erwärmung im Rahmen der HAPPI-Initiative
- HighEnd:Extremes The Future of Extreme Precipitation Events in the Alpine Region under High End Climate Change Conditions
- NHCM2 Non-Hydrostatic Climate Modelling, Part II (NHCM-2)
- ReKliEs-De Regionale Klimaprojektionen Ensemble für Deutschland (ReKliEs-De)
- SASSCAL Southern African Science Service Centre for Climate Change and Adaptive Land Management
- ViWa Multiscale Monitoring of Global Water Resources and Options for their Efficient and Sustainable Use
- ACCENT-Plus Atmospheric compositon change - a European network-Plus
- ACQWA Assessing Climate impacts on the Quantity and quality of Water
- ATP Arctic Tipping Points
- BALANCE Global Change Vulnerabilities in the Barents Region: Linking Arctic Natural Resources, Climate Change and Economies
- BALTEX The Baltic Sea Experiment
- BIOTA BIOTA AFRICA: An International Research Network on biodiversity, sustainable use and conservation
- CC-TAME - Climate Change – Terrestrial Adaptation & Mitigation in Europe
- CIRCE Climate Change and Impact Research: the Mediterranean Environment
- CLARIS A Europe-South America Network for Climate Change Assessment and Impact Studies
- CLARIS LPB A Europe-South America Network for Climate Change Assessment and Impact Studies in La Plata Basin
- CLAVIER Climate Change and Variability: Impact on Central and Eastern Europe
- Cilmate for Culture
- COSMOS Community Earth System Models
- ECLISE Enabling Climate Information Services for Europe
- GENUS Geochemistry and Ecology of the Namibian Upwelling System
- GLACINDIA Water Related Effects of Changes in Glacier Mass Balance and River Runoff in Western Himalaya, India: Past, Present and Future
- GLOWA-Elbe Integrated Analysis of Global Change Impacts on Environment and Society in the Elbe River Basin
- GLOWA Danube Integrative Techniques, Scenarios and Strategies for the Future of Water in the Upper Danube Basin
- HighNoon Adaptation to Changing Water Resources Availability in Northern India with respect to Himalayan Glacier Retreat and Changing Monsoon Pattern
- Impact2C Quantifying projected impacts under 2°C warming
- ICON ICOsahedral Non-hydrostatic General Circulation Model
- KLIFF Klimafolgenforschung in Niedersachsen
- KLIMZUG-NORD Strategische Anpassungsansätze zum Klimawandel in der Metropolregion Hamburg
- KLIWA Klimaveränderung und Konsequenzen für die Wasserwirtschaft
- KLIWAS Hydrologie und Binnenschifffahrt
- NEWATER New Approaches to Adaptive Water Management under Uncertainty
- PEGASOS Pan-European Gas-AeorSol-climate interaction Studies
- POTATO Participatory development and testing of strategies to reduce climate vulnerability of poor farm households in East Africa through innovations in potato and sweet potato technologies and enabling policies.
- PRUDENCE Prediction of Regional scenarios and Uncertainties for Defining EuropeaN Climate change risks and Effects
- QUIRCS Quantification of Uncertainties in Regional Climate and Climate Change Simulations
- SFB 512 Cyclones and the North Atlantic Climate System
- SafeLand Living with landslide risk in Europe: Assessment, effects of global change, and risk management strategies
- The Future Okavango Wissenschaft für nachhaltiges Land- und Ressourcenmanagement im Okavango Basin
- UBA Regionale Klimasimulationen für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz