Odra Flooding
Odra flooding July '97, simulated with REMO
Philip Lorenz

Fig.1: Total precipitation sums [mm] (4.7.97 06 UTC - 8.7.87 06 UTC)
The extreme event of the Odra flooding in July 1997 caused catastrophical damage in certain areas close to the river. The regional climate model REMO has been used to simulate the heavy precipitation events which led to this flood. During the first of two episodes of heavy precipitation (4th of July 06 UTC until 8th of July 06 UTC) the highest amount of rainfall was at the station Lysa Hora with 415 mm, and area averages of more than 150 mm have been observed in the river basin of upper Odra. For all SYNOP-stations in the river basin of upper and middle Odra, the measured heights of rainfall during the first episode were 150 - 250 % of the mean climatological total precipitation standard for July.

Fig.2: Total precipitation sums [mm] (4.7.97 06 UTC - 8.7.87 06 UTC)
The regional climate model REMO has been used to study the catastrophic flooding-event in the Odra catchment during July 97. Simulations with different physical parameterizations (DWD and ECHAM4), horizontal resolutions and domain sizes have been carried out using analyses fields as lateral boundary conditions provided by the German weather service (DWD). The simulations started 1st of June calculating continuously until the 31st of July.
There is a good agreement between the observed and calculated total precipitation on REMO 1/6° horizontal resolution for the first episode.
To calculate the river runoff at the Odra mouth, a hydrological discharge model has been used. The comparison with observations shows good results.